To Converse Well

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DailyGood News That Inspires

September 16, 2023

a project of ServiceSpace

To Converse Well

All good conversation, manners, and action come from a spontaneity which forgets usages and makes the moment great.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

To Converse Well

"Good conversation mixes opinions, feelings, facts and ideas in an improvisational exchange with one or more individuals in an atmosphere of goodwill. It inspires mutual insight, respect and, most of all, joy. It is a way of relaxing the mind, opening the heart and connecting, authentically, with others. To converse well is surprising, humanising and fun. Above is my definition of an activity central to my wellbeing. I trace my penchant for good conversation to my family of origin. My parents were loud and opinionated people who interrupted and quarrelled boisterously with each other. I realise that such an environment could give rise to taciturn children who seek quiet above all else. But, for me, this atmosphere was stimulating and joyful. It made my childhood home a place I loved to be..." Paula Marantz Cohen is the author of Talking Cure: An Esssy on the Civilizing Power of Conversation. Read an adapted excerpt from her book here. { read more }

Be The Change

For more inspiration, check out this remarkable repository of conversations of substance. { more }

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