The Middle Way in Medicine & Healing

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September 12, 2023

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The Middle Way in Medicine & Healing

Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.

- Hippocrates -

The Middle Way in Medicine & Healing

Dr. Akil Palanisamy is the Department Chair for Integrative Medicine at the Sutter Health Institute for Health and Healing, and has treated thousands of people living with chronic diseases.
A widely known speaker and educator, he is the author of two books, The Paleovedic Diet: A Complete Program to Burn Fat, Increase Energy, and Reverse Disease -- a customized Paleo diet that incorporates spices, specific fruits and vegetables, intermittent fasting, and an Ayurvedic lifestyle -- and most recently, The Tiger Protocol: An Integrative 5-Step Program to Treat and Heal Your Autoimmunity. Learn more about his journey and work here. { read more }

Be The Change

Join an Awakin Call with Dr. Palanisamy this weekend. More details and RSVP info here. { more }

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