Spotlight On Kindness: Unity And CommUNITY

Humans are wired for and survive IN community. Globalization is widening our sense of "community" as boundaries become more permeable and less fixed. More fluid communities may be frightening to some, but they also offer the promise of constant renewal if we tend to the community's bonds. Kindness serves as a bond and glue that reminds us of our unity (and commUNITY). - Ameeta
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"The world is now too small for anything but brotherhood." - Arthur Powell Davies
Editor's Note: Humans are wired for and survive IN community. Globalization is widening our sense of "community" as boundaries become more permeable and less fixed. More fluid communities may be frightening to some, but they also offer the promise of constant renewal if we tend to the community's bonds. Kindness serves as a bond and glue that reminds us of our unity (and commUNITY). - Ameeta
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
A world-renowned researcher from Kuwait is searching to say "Thank you" to one man whose generous act 30 years ago in Washington D.C. made his remarkable life in the U.S. possible.
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
A Canadian KindSpringer, who happens to be Jewish, welcomed and assisted a Syrian Muslim refugee family new to their community. They have now "expanded their group" to form a more enriched community.
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Inspiring Video of the Week
Serve all
A Stranger's Touch
Hugs A paralyzed man shares how the simple touch of a stranger, an ICU nurse while he was hospitalized in a different country, forever changed the trajectory of his life.
In Giving, We Receive
In other news ...
Human social groups are marked by remarkably elaborate cooperation, empathy, altruism and nonviolent resolution of conflicts.
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KindSpring is a 100% volunteer-run platform that allows everyday people around the world to connect and deepen in the spirit of kindness. Current subscribers: 146,533

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