I Couldn't Let Them Die Alone

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DailyGood News That Inspires

September 28, 2019

a project of ServiceSpace

I Couldn't Let Them Die Alone

The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human beings.

- Albert Schweitzer -

I Couldn't Let Them Die Alone

Sister Helen Prejean is best known for her 1993 memoir, Dead Man Walking, about her role as a spiritual adviser to a convicted killer on death row. The story was adapted into an Oscar-winning film starring Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn. Prejean has accompanied six prisoners to their executions and has been at the forefront of activism against the death penalty. "In [their] last moments, I was amazed that they're walking," she says. "'Sister, pray that God holds my legs up as I walk.' They take steps. I read scripture to them. ... All I knew was: I couldn't let them die alone." Her new memoir, River of Fire: My Spiritual Journey, tells the story of her life leading up to her awakening to social justice movements in the 1980s. { read more }

Be The Change

Learn more about Sr. Helen Prejean's work. { more }

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