The Boy Who Wanted to Go to School

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DailyGood News That Inspires

November 13, 2018

a project of ServiceSpace

The Boy Who Wanted to Go to School

Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.

- Joseph Campbell -

The Boy Who Wanted to Go to School

With hard work, determination, a little serendipity, and a lot of heart, Wubetu Shimelash made it all the way from a remote region of Ethiopia to a prominent U.S. university. This man who once fashioned sandals out of tires now dons a fedora and impresses everyone with his positive attitude, joyous spirit, and infectious smile. It is a story of true success--both for him personally, and for the community that benefits from his warm presence and talents. "'Wherever I go, I am not lost,' Wubetu says. 'I go with my values. I try to adapt to a new culture without losing my culture.' His values? Being happy. Being kind. Staying positive. Working hard. And loving. 'The power of love is limitless,' he says." Read on for more. { read more }

Be The Change

Today, do something kind for someone born in another country.

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