Spotlight On Kindness: Falling To Shed And Renew

Nature's seasons offer many quiet lessons. Nature sheds and seeds in autumn, reflects while dormant in winter and bursts forth anew in spring. Similarly, as we fall, a new version of us rises. As one layer of us peels off, a deeper layer is revealed. What feels like falling is often the seed for growth of something new - something deeper and more connected to our authentic nature. - Ameeta
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"Let me fall if I must. The one I will become will catch me." - Baal Shem Tov
Editor's Note: Nature's seasons offer many quiet lessons. Nature sheds and seeds in autumn, reflects while dormant in winter and bursts forth anew in spring. Similarly, as we fall, a new version of us rises. As one layer of us peels off, a deeper layer is revealed. What feels like falling is often the seed for growth of something new - something deeper and more connected to our authentic nature. - Ameeta
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
With her engagement ending, a Texas bride finds peace in shedding her past. As part of her journey, she gifts her wedding venue to another couple - contributing to the flow of the emergence of new.
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
A couple with limited means bought a coat and backpack of supplies for a homeless man as their holiday gift to each other. Their selfless gift led to a regenerative cycle of giving each year.
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Inspiring Video of the Week
Serve all
The Beauty of Autumn
Hugs This beautiful video shows autumn in all its glory. Reflect on the magnificence of Nature's transition to shed, rest and rejuvenate. What is wanting to be shed in your life?
In Giving, We Receive
In other news ...
Parker Palmer reminds us that autumn is a time when seeds are planted, not only a time of seeming decay of the old.
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