Hi everyone, To accomplish paying off your debts, one of the first things you must do is to acknowledge that there is a problem. The problem is a psychological one, your current mindset(way of being) must take a shift to the other side of your financial life as this will require you to suffer a bit to being able to overwrite your subconscious programming in your current life. Let me explain what I mean, I was a bit like you. The difference was that I decided not to carry any more debt and pay off the debts i had. I had a car loan and some credit card debts that were making my life difficult as everything i was earning was going towards paying the monthly minimum for these debts. I researched the topic and implemented a budget to be able to control my spending as well as to know what was my cash flow. First thing you must accomplish is to stop living off the credit cards, stop adding more debt, live off cash for a while until this habit becomes part of who you are. Once i ...