| Few delights can equal the mere presence of one whom we trust utterly.
- George MacDonald - | | |
The Horse Told Me To Keep Walking Anita La Selva watched her partner die a slow painful death, after years of wrestling with his addiction. She felt “broken, exhausted, and at a loss,” and was grieving not just for him but for herself, “the person I lost along the way during this whole ordeal.” Then Anita encountered Spirit Walker through Equine Therapy and experienced a trusting presence on a whole new level. After a muzzle on her cheek, they began walking, stopping to connect, then walking again. “As we walk, something inside me begins to stir.” “I have a sense that with this Horse walking beside me, I might be able to find my way back to myself.” His message was clear: “I know. I get it. I live with grief too. I understand. But you just have to keep walking. We have to keep walking.” Anita began walking, creating, and feeling alive again. “Spirit Walker, with his simple wisdom and empathy, so generously and gracefully illuminated the path back to creativity and abundance.” { read more } Be The Change Spend some time being truly present to another being. Trust the connection. Let them help you "keep walking." | | |
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