Deep Field: The Impossible Magnitude of Our Universe

This week's inspiring video: Deep Field: The Impossible Magnitude of Our Universe
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Video of the Week

Jan 30, 2025
Deep Field: The Impossible Magnitude of Our Universe

Deep Field: The Impossible Magnitude of Our Universe

Take this 3-D flight through our wonder-full universe in composer Eric Whitacre's "Deep Field: The Impossible Magnitude of our Universe" - a film and musical experience inspired by one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time: the Hubble Telescope's Deep Field image. Turning its gaze to a tiny and seemingly dark area of space (around one 24-millionth of the sky) for an 11-day long period, the Hubble Space Telescope revealed over 3,000 galaxies that had never previously been seen, each one composed of hundreds of billions of stars.The soundtrack features an epic Virtual Choir representing 120 countries: over 8,000 voices aged 4 to 87, alongside the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Eric Whitacre Singers.

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