Jan 13: Social Permaculture (+ Laddership Pod!)

Incubator of compassionate action.

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Dear Friends,

Recently in Vietnam, we held a powerful retreat with farmers around "social permaculture". At one point, Hang-Mai offered a stunning one-liner: "The most common question we get from city people is, 'What to grow here?' Instead of, 'What grows here?'"

Such a small shift, and yet a seed for an entirely different paradigm. In India, pioneers from 16 countries -- ranging from billionaires to folks whose life's possessions fit into a backpack -- flew in for our Gandhi 3.0 retreat, to nuance that throughline from me-centered transactions to we-centered relationships to us-centered emergence. One philanthropist shared how his heart was cracked open wider than "what thousands of hours of meditation over the last 20+ years have done!"

For a story-filled recap of the retreat from the lens of this social operating system based on intrinsic motivations and emptiness at its core, read: Social Permaculture at Gandhi 3.0 (See also uplifting visuals!)

Many of those participants -- from a young qigong teacher who works in the frontlines of conflict, to Obama's general counsel, to a change-maker who walked 1700 miles across South Africa, to an Irish mystic who spent 4 years in deep meditation at Tiruvannamalai without experiencing a single thought, to an open-hearted poet from New Zealand -- will be coming together to explore these principles of social permaculture in the upcoming Laddership Pod!

In perplexing times of polycrises, Mister Rogers' advice is perhaps more relevant than ever before: "look for the helpers". And Laddership Pod is a space for those helpers to dive into the art of truly dancing with emergence. If our inner orientation is static, it will intersect with a fluid external world by centralizing money, power and fame. If, however, the personal, interpersonal and systemic designs start to harmonize, the laddership hypothesis is that the collective emergence of that ecosystem bends its arc towards greater compassion. Join/Learn More

Thank you for helping co-creating so many new narratives across the world. Over the last four months alone, we've had an energizing stream of global events from a summit in Sweden and consciousness conference at Harvard, to social entrepreneurship in Northern Spain and Dubai to retreats in Austria, Japan, and Vietnam, and local gatherings in cities all across India. It all raises so many nuanced questions -- how do we differentiate inner voice from ego voice? How can we catalyze small group coherence that triggers a whole greater than the sum of its part? What is the intersection of AI + Ahimsa? In such times, what does educating the heart look like? How, ultimately, do we throw a better party and build a new paradigm? Work in progress, stay tuned. :)





Two video produced at the retreat itself: Immersion and Retreat

Community Night: Maybe because it's the very spot from which Gandhi embarked on his salt march -- but goosebumps were in the air! Check out all the clips. Preeta emceed, Chaz eloquently spoke about "dancing with the enemy", Gitajanli stirred our hearts with her work in Delhi's red-light district, Nipun spoke about heartivism, Harish sang for the first time, and Paul went into a zone with his Sitar!

Speaking of music, Rachelle's stunning song soon after she lands: Rise Above What You See Jac's melodical rendition of Rumi quote: Come, Come, Whoever You Are. And Bhumika's closing song: Let's Walk Together

On the second community night, we spoke about Soul Force. Stephen evoked Howard Thurman, Sarah spoke on the mic for the first time, Reggie did what he's famous for, Katharina and Victor performed a *hilarious* skit on "broadcasting the deepcast", Rachelle coralled "Monday come, we don't wanna go home" song and more! Watch Soul Force Clips



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