Dakota 38

This week's inspiring video: Dakota 38
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Video of the Week

Mar 09, 2023
Dakota 38

Dakota 38

"To be Dakota means to walk in peace and harmony with every living thing. That is our way." On December 26, 1862, 38 Dakota leaders of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, were hung in the largest mass execution in U.S. history. In May 2005, Jim Miller, a Dakota spiritual leader, had a dream of riding across the great South Dakota plains to Minnesota and watching 38 of his ancestors being hanged. In December 2008, Silas Hagerty and members of Smooth Feather Productions filmed this 330 mile ride of healing and reconciliation from Lower Brule, South Dakota to arrive at Mankato, Minnesota on the anniversary of the execution. Everyone, throughout the 6 years of the making of this 1 hour, 18 minute documentary film, provided their services as a gift to the project. The screening and distribution of "Dakota 38" is offered as a gift to everyone.

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