An Immense World

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DailyGood News That Inspires

July 21, 2022

a project of ServiceSpace

An Immense World

To perceive the world through other senses is to find splendor in familiarity, wilderness in one's backyard, the sacred in the mundane.

- Ed Yong -

An Immense World

"Made famous by zoologist Jakob von Uexkull in 1909, the term Umwelt refers to the perceptual world experienced by each animal, a highly specific kind of "sensory bubble." When we walk our dog and she stops to smell every other bush or car tire, she's taking in through her acutely sensitive nose smells that we take in faintly or not at all. That's because humans and dogs have two different sensory bubbles, or Umwelten." In his book, "Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us," Ed Yong invites readers into an exploration of how other species experience our world.

{ read more }

Be The Change

Listen to an interview with Yong here on, "How Animals Sense the World." { more }

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