Painting with Mom

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DailyGood News That Inspires

May 26, 2022

a project of ServiceSpace

Painting with Mom

To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.

- Tia Walker -

Painting with Mom

"My mother requires such presence, slowing down and attentiveness. Due to a very rare blood disorder, as we move her, we cannot let any part of her body bump into anything as it will create huge internal bruises that often do not stop bleeding. Additionally, due to a traumatic brain injury and subsequent mini strokes, her left side is now paralyzed and the right side is also very limited in strength so she is not able move herself or sit up on her own anymore. Her short term memory has been non existent since the fall 5 years ago and once a math whiz from the Wharton School of Business, she no longer can compute the simplest 1+1 equations. So what remains? What remains with so much loss of body and mental function?" Artist Pamela Sukhum writes about the profound gifts and life lessons embedded in the process of caring for her beloved mother. { read more }

Be The Change

Learn more about 'The Beautiful Project,' an initiative born out of Pamela Sukhum's love for creating art, and her great desire to share that joy with others in healing and transformative ways. { more }

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