The Seed Wheel Turns

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DailyGood News That Inspires

November 8, 2021

a project of ServiceSpace

The Seed Wheel Turns

They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.

- Confucius -

The Seed Wheel Turns

"'Something will always rise up and fall again' is a collaboration between the poet Kathryn Hunt and Camille Seaman, a photographer. The photographs are part of Seaman's years-long project chasing and photographing stormsdynamic, alive, wedded to wind. "I always wanted my images to speak to the duality of all things--to speak to the essential truth that there can be beauty in something terrible and vice versa, that there is no creation without destruction," she says. The poems are part of Hunt's recent collection of poems, Seed Wheel, from Lost Horse Press. "The poems grew out of a desire to avow the basic and elemental kinship of humans and the Earth and to bear in mind the compassion at the heart of our inviolable bond."" { read more }

Be The Change

For more inspiration, check out this interview with Camille Seaman, "We All Belong to the Earth." { more }

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