Knepp Rewilded

This week's inspiring video: Knepp Rewilded
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Video of the Week

Sep 09, 2021
Knepp Rewilded

Knepp Rewilded

Knepp Estate in Sussex, England has led the way in "rewilding" farms since the 1970s. Rewilding is also called conservation farming with the idea of allowing nature to take over. The caretakers have gradually allowed plants and animals to roam and grow without human intervention until it is time to take the livestock to market. This philosophy of farming is like taking one's hands off the steering wheel and believing that Nature herself knows how to heal the land as she finds wholeness again. Biodiversity has thrived on Knepp Estate as species roam free and live in balance with each other. Farm animals live in harmony with wild animals and ultimately, farmers have discovered that they can still make a living by working with nature.

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