Spotlight On Kindness: Wisdom At Work

Much of our life our lives are spent working, and usuallyinclude partnering with others. At every position I've been in, the human dynamics have always been interesting to see. I have had the fortune of working in some great teams with a sprinkle of one or two challenging colleagues. I'm amazed by how much one individual can bring to a group. The ones dedicated to the collective goal, always looking at the bright side with humor, are such a joy to work with each day. Given the time we spend working, it's a precious gift to grow together. --Guri
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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." --Maya Angelou
Editor's Note: Much of our life our lives are spent working, and usuallyinclude partnering with others. At every position I've been in, the human dynamics have always been interesting to see. I have had the fortune of working in some great teams with a sprinkle of one or two challenging colleagues. I'm amazed by how much one individual can bring to a group. The ones dedicated to the collective goal, always looking at the bright side with humor, are such a joy to work with each day. Given the time we spend working, it's a precious gift to grow together. --Guri
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
When the heavy rains kept him from roofing work, Bubba Martin stood in front of a Lowe's Hardware store hoping to find a contracting gig to support his family. That is where he met Vernon Browning.
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
We don't always know what a little compassion could mean to someone. This KindSpring member received a sweet surprise from a former co-worker -- over a decade after they worked together.
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Inspiring Video of the Week
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The City Planting a Million Trees in Two Years
Hugs Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr is leading her city's efforts to plant one million trees in two years, increasing the vegetation cover hugely by 50%. Here's more on this massive undertaking in Freetown, Sierra Leone.
In Giving, We Receive
In other news ...
Emiliana Simon-Thomas, science director of the Greater Good Science Center, co-teaches a free, eight-week online course that “explores the roots of a happy, meaningful life.” In this article, How Power Corrupts Your Instinct for Compassion, she explains why power threatens our compassion -- and what we can do about it.
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