Waiting for the Thaw

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DailyGood News That Inspires

March 25, 2021

a project of ServiceSpace

Waiting for the Thaw

Thaw with her gentle persuasion is more powerful than Thor with his hammer. The one melts, the other breaks into pieces.

- Henry David Thoreau -

Waiting for the Thaw

"It's about this time in the long stretch of winter that I begin to ache for spring. By March, I tend become a bit dulled to the beauty of winter. Though my prayer and meditation keep my heart open to seeing the passage of time and seasons with appreciative eyes, mostly I just want the cold days to be over. As the earth begins to thaw, we often want the process to hurry up. I long for bright flowers blowing in a spring breeze and warm summer evenings on the porch. While impatience with winter is only human, I pause and remember the need to move slowly through this time of year." What follows is a lovely meditation on waiting for the thaw, followed by three classic poems that capture aspects of this transitional time." DailyGood writer, Virginia May Drotar, shares more in this lovely piece. { read more }

Be The Change

Virginia (aka Ginny) and Duane Drotar are the stewards and founders of Shadowbrook, a budding, transformative experiment in community-building, based in Ohio. Shadowbrook is meant for people of all means, and from all backgrounds, it is a space, "where silence and shadow work, mutual exchange and justice re-birthing, and whole person wellness and service, intersect." Join an intimate circle with Virginia and Duane (today!) to hear more about their shared journey, aspirations and plans for Shadowbrook. To join, RSVP here. { more }

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