Spotlight On Kindness: 7 Lessons From Mister Rogers

Those of us lucky enough to be children when Misters Rogers' Neighborhood appeared on TV can't help but smile when his name comes up. He not only taught us social skills but enabled us to work through our emotions. He taught us that people can be different from us and that we should always help one another. Mister Rogers would be proud of the people featured in this week's stories. --Guri
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"A loving heart is the truest wisdom." --Charles Dickens
Editor's Note: Those of us lucky enough to be children when Misters Rogers' Neighborhood appeared on TV can't help but smile when his name comes up. He not only taught us social skills but enabled us to work through our emotions. He taught us that people can be different from us and that we should always help one another. Mister Rogers would be proud of the people featured in this week's stories. --Guri
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
A mother in Ohio was brought to tears after her local FedEx driver left unexpected gifts for her son Eli. When she showed him the note, he knew right away who was behind this random act of kindness.
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
She always wondered if one person can make a difference. Then she heard a story of selflessness about a woman on the radio, whose actions 15 years ago continue to inspire her work today.
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Inspiring Video of the Week
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Race to Kindness
Hugs Everyone needs an Orion in their lives. This ten-year-old has wisdom beyond his years and has a plan to make kindness contagious. Also, we think he would make a great life coach.
In Giving, We Receive
In other news ...
Mister Rogers taught kids skills that are possibly even more relevant to adults today. Even though he passed away 17 years ago, we seem to be turning back to Mister Rogers again and again through his movie and books. Here are Seven Lessons from Mister Rogers that are timeless.
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