Spotlight On Kindness: The Art Of Unlearning

We used to say that change is inevitable. These days, however, it might be more accurate to say, change is continual. How well we cope with change depends not only on how easily we learn new things but even more so on how well we can unlearn. Letting go of our minds' old hard-wired habit patterns and unlearning what no longer serves us helps create space for new learning to emerge. --Guri
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The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
Editor's Note: We used to say that change is inevitable. These days, however, it might be more accurate to say, change is continual. How well we cope with change depends not only on how easily we learn new things but even more so on how well we can unlearn. Letting go of our minds' old hard-wired habit patterns and unlearning what no longer serves us helps create space for new learning to emerge. --Guri
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
With schools going online in India, kids in underprivileged communities are at the greatest risk of falling behind when they re-open. This couple offers free classes on the sidewalk to those in need.
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
A busy single mom who runs her own business learns to receive from others. Usually, the giver herself, but this time friends and family step in during her time of need.
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Inspiring Video of the Week
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Masako Wakamiya
Hugs You're never too old to learn new things. Masako Wakamiya noticed the lack of fun games for seniors. After learning to code at 81, she created her own game app for fellow seniors.
In Giving, We Receive
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The surprising traits of good remote leaders may not be the same as in-person leaders. "It's kind of exciting, if you think about it," says Larson. "Suddenly it's not just about who talks the most, but rather, who is actually getting stuff done." What are the top skills required to lead virtually? Learn MORE.
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