Spotlight On Kindness: Forgiveness

We might think that forgiveness means accepting the harm that happened to us. I think that it's actually recognizing that harm occurred, but not accepting that it was okay that it happened. It's not excusing the behavior or justifying it. Forgiveness is letting go of the resentment, so the past doesn't have a hold on you. It's choosing to rise above it. --Guri
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Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future. --Paul Boose
Editor's Note: We might think that forgiveness means accepting the harm that happened to us. I think that it's actually recognizing that harm occurred, but not accepting that it was okay that it happened. It's not excusing the behavior or justifying it. Forgiveness is letting go of the resentment, so the past doesn't have a hold on you. It's choosing to rise above it. --Guri
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Author of, "Reawakening: Return of Lightness and Peace after My Daughter's Murder," talks about her compelling journey to forgiveness, as well as helping the perpetrator forgive himself and heal.
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A KindSpringer shares her own experience of forgiveness when something hurtful happens. She reflects on what forgiveness truly means to her, and how "to release the poison that contaminates you."
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The secret to happiness? Stanford professor says it's forgiveness. Dr. Fred Luskin, the author of “Forgive for Good: A Proven Prescription for Health and Happiness,” explains why in this thought-provoking ARTICLE.
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