Spotlight On Kindness: SUPERHERO

Regardless of their size, age, color, or whether they wear a cape, we can all agree that a Superhero is someone who uses their power to do good in the world. In these unprecedented times, people are making extraordinarily heroic efforts to help others. The stories below and the music video celebrate these heroes. On this National Superhero Day, take time today to reflect on your heroes. --Guri
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"All men have limits. They learn what they are and they learn not to exceed them. I ignore mine." --Chuck Dixon
Editor's Note: Regardless of their size, age, color, or whether they wear a cape, we can all agree that a Superhero is someone who uses their power to do good in the world. In these unprecedented times, people are making extraordinarily heroic efforts to help others. The stories below and the music video celebrate these heroes. On this National Superhero Day, take time today to reflect on your heroes. --Guri
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
For 28 days, more than 40 employees at a Pennsylvania company unanimously decided to literally live at their production plant -- eating and sleeping there -- to make equipment for health care workers.
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
Six 8th-graders in Silicon Valley stay up all night to create 3D printed face shields for health care workers, headed to Navajo Nation to help those affected by COVID-19. Here's their inspiring story.
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Inspiring Video of the Week
Serve all
Hugs A music video that is an anthem for our times; "Superhero" is an ode to every person in our lives who reminds us that we can all do something and that together we are stronger.
In Giving, We Receive
In other news ...
In this beautifully illustrated compilation, citizens 60 and older share their experiences and reflections related to the COVID-19 global pandemic from becoming a grandmother to dancing in the street.
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