A Bell In The Distance

Change Yourself, Change the World.
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Editor's Note: There's something about a bell, hearing a bell in the distance. It's a fitting metaphor for these four stories, although in Pavithra Mehta's case, it turns out the bell was just outside her window. And instead, it was a winged velocity of being that took her on a journey...


"There are days when I look out the window without meaning to, as if my glance had been commanded by a consciousness beyond that typically called my own." So begins this small treasure...

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A Conversation with Rachel Naomi Remen M.D.

A new influence in Western medicine appeared almost fifty years ago. It coincided with Remen's decision to leave her hard-earned position as Associate Director of the Pediatrics Clinic at Stanford Medical School. From what followed, one can say only that she was listening to a call from destiny...

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Seeing Tomales

Paul Van Slambrouck continued photographing even while chief editor at the Christian Science Monitor. But after retiring, he picked up his camera in earnest. Here's the story of his passionate, three-year project that got him out of bed in S.F. at 4:30 a.m. to drive north to walk through rural west Marin County at dawn's first light....

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A Conversation with Jerry Barrish - Persistence

Barrish is an artist, the hardcore kind. He never gave up on his vision. It was a surprise to learn he'd supported himself for decades as a bail bondsman putting himself through art school and posting bail for countless activists and hippies from the 60s and onward. Here's a journey more than a little off the beaten track...

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