The Biggest Little Farm

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DailyGood News That Inspires

December 10, 2019

a project of ServiceSpace

The Biggest Little Farm

Deep down, very few of us want safety to suffocate freedom.

- Joel Salatin -

The Biggest Little Farm

"Many people have dreamed of leaving the city for the country, to live in a way that would reflect their concerns about the environment. John and Molly Chester, are a couple who did just that; they left their home in Los Angeles and started an organic farm. The Chesters tried to turn a dry and soil-depleted 200-acre parcel into a lush, organic farm. They were determined to tend fruit orchards and raise cows, pigs and chickens in harmony with nature. Drought, pests, windstorms and fire threatened to end the venture, but after eight years, their farm, Apricot Lane Farms, is thriving." This NPR interview shares more. { read more }

Be The Change

Learn more about the story of Apricot Lane Farms here. { more }

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