Spotlight On Kindness: Earth Family

On Earth Day, I'm reminded of the stunning beauty of our planet. Where else can towering redwoods, winding rivers, active volcanoes, and the aurora borealis exist under one sky? The diversity of life on the planet leaves me awestruck. There is so much at stake if we don't make a conscious effect to protect and nurture it. May we all make wiser choices in the years to come. -Guri
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"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." --Nelson Henderson
Editor's Note: On Earth Day, I'm reminded of the stunning beauty of our planet. Where else can towering redwoods, winding rivers, active volcanoes, and the aurora borealis exist under one sky? The diversity of life on the planet leaves me awestruck. There is so much at stake if we don't make a conscious effect to protect and nurture it. May we all make wiser choices in the years to come. -Guri
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
U.S. agriculture produces 650 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually. On Earth Day, the City of Berkeley becomes the first city to launch meat-free Green Mondays.
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
Amidst the hustle and bustle of living, this KindSpring member reminds us to take a few minutes to simply just take it all in. Enjoy the most important resource we have - our full presence.
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Inspiring Video of the Week
Serve all
Spiritual Ecology
Hugs Native American leader, Tiokasin, says, "Humanity must shift from living on the Earth to living with her." Many voices come together to share how we can transform our relationship.
In Giving, We Receive
In other news ...
Each year, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Check out this interactive site by Google to see how small changes you make can create a big impact on our planet!
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