Spotlight On Kindness: Vibrating In Sync

According to Ursula LeGuin in the article below, every act of communication is an act of tremendous courage which can lead to two parallel possibilities: either mutual understanding or being wholly misunderstood. Since all living beings vibrate, we can either pulse in sync or pulse in opposition. Nature is lazy. Pulsing in sync requires less energy so let's amplify our syncing energy. - Ameeta
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"We can only achieve our true human potential, which is huge, if we have harmony between head and heart." - Jane Goodall
Editor's Note: According to Ursula LeGuin in the article below, every act of communication is an act of tremendous courage which can lead to two parallel possibilities: either mutual understanding or being wholly misunderstood. Since all living beings vibrate, we can either pulse in sync or pulse in opposition. Nature is lazy. Pulsing in sync requires less energy so let's amplify our syncing energy. - Ameeta
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
Join Envision Kindness's 2018 "Our World is Kind Photography Contest". Just the process of taking and viewing kind images has been shown to make people happier, more grateful, and healthier too!
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
A member learns first hand that when you give, the universe finds a way to give back. After cooking a large meal for a meditation circle, she was gifted a huge box of food and produce unexpectedly.
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Inspiring Video of the Week
Serve all
Mother Earth
Hugs Jane Goodall makes an impassioned plea for each of us to make what difference we can to give future generations a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable planet.
In Giving, We Receive
In other news ...
Learn about the art of communicating (and vibrating) and its 2 parallel possibilities - either in sync or not.
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