Spotlight On Kindness: Kindness - Pass It On

Almost two dozen KindSpring volunteers have worked joyously, tirelessly, and anonymously, to ship over 75,000 orders of smile cards (literally MILLIONS of cards) to over 150 countries. These cards, intended to accompany a random act of kindness, invite the recipient to pay-it-forward to someone else. Imagine the beautiful ripples these small cards have created! - Ameeta
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"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." - Desmond Tutu
Editor's Note: Almost two dozen KindSpring volunteers have worked joyously, tirelessly, and anonymously, to ship over 75,000 orders of smile cards (literally MILLIONS of cards) to over 150 countries. These cards, intended to accompany a random act of kindness, invite the recipient to pay-it-forward to someone else. Imagine the beautiful ripples these small cards have created! - Ameeta
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
Olivia, a passionate young college student, recently wrote and illustrated a children's book highlighting kindness. Her book, Lucy's Big Idea, received the Girl Scout Gold Award Project.
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
A member used a smile card to anonymously pay a restaurant bill for another family and the exact same amount gifted was returned karmically!
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Inspiring Video of the Week
Serve all
Smile Card Kindness
Hugs This animation about how to use Smile Cards was created lovingly by a Danish woman who volunteered her services. See how you can inspire others to be kind too!
In Giving, We Receive
In other news ...
An extensive scientific literature review reveals how a virtually cost-free remedy, kindness, has a statistically significant impact on our physical health and holds the power to heal.
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KindSpring is a 100% volunteer-run platform that allows everyday people around the world to connect and deepen in the spirit of kindness. Current subscribers: 145,278

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