Spotlight On Kindness: Kindness Science & Machines

Kindness fuels energy and builds self-esteem. It produces serotonin, which generates calmness, helps combat depression, and even heals wounds. Kindness also produces oxytocin, a "love" hormone critical for forming loving attachments, and decreases cortisol, our stress hormone. For the parts of our brains that function as machines, the science is pretty clear: kindness is good for us. - Ameeta
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"Compassionate people are geniuses...more necessary to the dignity, security, and joy of humanity than the discoverers of knowledge."-Albert Einstein
Editor's Note: Kindness fuels energy and builds self-esteem. It produces serotonin, which generates calmness, helps combat depression, and even heals wounds. Kindness also produces oxytocin, a "love" hormone critical for forming loving attachments, and decreases cortisol, our stress hormone. For the parts of our brains that function as machines, the science is pretty clear: kindness is good for us. - Ameeta
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
After her mother died 2 years ago, the 11 year old learned to get herself ready for school but didn't feel confident about her hair. Her bus driver stepped up and now braids her hair every morning.
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
Two friends at USC decided to perform kind acts for a 21st birthday instead of drinking. They realized that there is a special energy created when you choose to think bigger than yourself.
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Inspiring Video of the Week
Serve all
Hugs This song is based on the idea of seeing our day from a lens of 'Beauty'. We are so wrapped up in our technology these days that we often miss out on the magic all around us!
In Giving, We Receive
In other news ...
As Artificial Intelligence systems are built to work like human brains, will they also need serotonin (fueled by kindness)?
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