Spotlight On Kindness: Staying Calm In The Storm

In the face of looming crisis or hardship, we so often seek to act or react quickly -- aiming to save, fix, or rescue ourselves and others. But as the farmer in this week's video reflects, the wise response often is to take the time to attune to the unfolding situation, and trust that internal guidance will move us to act skillfully -- in the right manner and at the right time and pace. - Preeta
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"You can't calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass." - Timber Hawkeye
Editor's Note: In the face of looming crisis or hardship, we so often seek to act or react quickly -- aiming to save, fix, or rescue ourselves and others. But as the farmer in this week's video reflects, the wise response often is to take the time to attune to the unfolding situation, and trust that internal guidance will move us to act skillfully -- in the right manner and at the right time and pace. - Preeta
Kindness Rocks
Kindness In the News
For the better part of an hour, passengers watched shreds of metal from the plane engine flap like feathers on the wing. The passengers countered the terror with acts of courage, grace and love.
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Kindness is Contagious.
From Our Members
The harpist played for 2 hours in their family's sacred circle as they all held space together for their mother lovingly in her final hours.
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Inspiring Video of the Week
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The Orphan
Hugs Farmer John made a painful decision to allow the orphaned baby lamb and the herd to work it out. Once the baby lamb stopped chasing the flock, the world became drawn to him.
In Giving, We Receive
In other news ...
An Eastern Philosophy, Wabi-sabi, embodies the beauty of imperfection, or the notion that beauty resides in flaws and ultimately opens the space for love.
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